the tidal

this thing between us is tidal.
sea waves or ocean. time will tell.
for now it crashes so gently against
 my heart
whatever ever levy remains
doesnt do so for long, sweet crumbling stone
 you may rest
your million year duty served
retire to the years of your warm and golden sands

for this one crashes kindly, mostly lapping
and licking, rolling then receding.
and ive come through many storms
to know even as she rises
even when the easy break breaks to days
 of heavy hammering walls
curling clawing spitting drowning drum
 beats on this shore
this too i can hold

for i fear not, resent never, ever again
the way her heart is shifting these sands

grey green blue waters, lap, break, curl, claw
have your way with this land of ours.
do your best. do your worst.
i wont stop tracing this edge with you
 until we know
but, if we ever returned again to this place
would it really be?

sand shifted, levy broken, awash, adrift
this thing between us is tidal
it crashes. it rolls. it moves

this thing between us,
it breathes.

Chase Tyler Nelson